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姓名: 蒋昕炜
领域: 运营管理 
地点: 北京 海淀
签名: 让项目管理成为一种习惯
  • 博客等级:
  • 博客积分:113
  • 博客访问:290607


项目管理培训师蒋昕炜 2010-11-03

    下面是我和一家叫ADNX的公司的吵架记录,我在APP Store上买了他们的一个项目管理软件,但不满意(基本只有甘特图功能),投诉被转给了他们公司的CEO(我有些怀疑),主要争论两个问题,一是关于客户服务,他们号称从2004年开始做这个软件,没有人投诉过,我告诉他柯达从1880年开始做胶卷,现在要倒闭,所以说明不了什么。但是关于项目管理,倒是个有趣的话题。





Jiang Xinwei:

I purchased "Projector" yesterday, but disappointed about it, seems

all functions are only focused on Gantt Chart, I can't find all other fundamental functions, like WBS, PDM, CPM, Risk ... Frankly, I think "Gantt chart tool" is a better name than "project management" for this software. already raised my complain from iTunes, but seems I'm transferd to the vendor's Website. Please let me know if I can be refund , thanks.



Hi, Thanks for contacting us

We focus on the most used features since 2004 !

We cannot refund you as you purchased it from Apple ! not from us !

Projector is used by thousand of customers worlwide and they love it !!!


Jiang Xinwei :

Dear “Support”

 No matter how many of your customer love it , it’s none of my

 business, I purchased it because it’s described as  “project management”

 software, I hate to say it’s a fraud, but at least it’s a

 misdirection.  Can a software be called “project management

 software” without supporting WBS, PDM diagram, CPM, Risk ….?

 I raised my complain from Apple iTunes store, and was transferred

 to you,  and don’t want to be kicked back to Apple. Can anybody stand out and

 communicate with me cordially, instead of “you purchased from apple,  not from us”???

 This is a formal complain, and I do hope a formal response. If you

 are not the right person for this issue, let me know who is.



 I was just talking about the refund question. We cannot refund

orders not placed at our store. Logical?

 I do not understand your request. It's seems that for you project

 management = WBS, PDM etc but not for everybody !!! look at

widikipedia or even a dictionary, project management is a very large subject !!!!!!!!

Yes, just enter project management in the app store or the Mac app

store and you will find a lot of software that do not have such

features. I think that no apps on Mac or iPad support such features

!! it's too technical and rarely used by project managers. Do not make too fast conclusions, please.

 Which complain? Just because you have your own definition of a word?

 doesn't make sens ! Thanks to return to reality. You are not alone in the world.


Jiang Xiwnei:

 OK,  if you think Project managers don't use "WBS, PDM diagram, CPM ..."

 that's your opinion, also non of my business. But, "don’t make fast

 conclusion, please".  I don’t think PMI like your point, and

 "technically", it's a lie.

it's only your opinion. We have thousand of customers that do not share your opinion.

Let's get back to customer service. Am I now your customer? Right

now I just have one question, are you the right person for customer

complain? And for my complain, is your feedback the official response from adnx company?



it's only your opinion. We have thousand of customers that do not share your opinion.

Which complain? Just because you have your own definition of a word?

doesn't make sens ! Thanks to return to reality. You are not alone in the world.


Jiang Xinwei

 It's really an interesting discussion, and these mails can be shared

 as case studies, for both project management and customer services.

 Please answer my questions:

  1. Are you the right person to handle customer complains in ADNX? If

 not, who is?

 2. Does your words represent ADNX official response?

 By the way, it's not my definition of word, it's PMI's



yes, I'm the right person. I'm the CEO and I still don't understand your problem! Why other customers think differently of you????

This discussion is crazy. We have more than 150 000 users of Projector and they NEVER complained about the description !

we are mak-ing this product since 2004 !


Jiang Xinwei:

From year 2004? That's a long time, but what's your point? Kodak is mak-ing roll film since 1880, but facing bankrupt now.

At least, please respect your customer.

Maybe a broader/public discussion can help both of us to understand our points.

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